Satan Who is He?
Always a popular attraction for movie goers, Satan may be portrayed as a cute, impotent, cartoon character or as a frightfully ugly monster. Both images have the effect of causing us to believe that he isn't real - that he is a fairy tale.
However, a look into the Bible reveals that Satan is real and someone believers must be aware of.
Ezekiel 28:14-17 says he was once a beautiful angel; a created being. He was the model of perfection, who became so enamored with himself that he was filled with pride and corruption. God, who does not tolerate sin, cast him out of heaven.
Since that time, he has been living up to his name.
The name Satan is derived from a Hebrew word meaning, "act as a deceiver". He deceives, lies, and tries to lead us astray. His mission is to turn people away from God in order to gain control for himself.
Eve and Adam were deceived by Satan, in the Garden of Eden, and were persuaded to disobey God. Genesis 3:1-6.
As described in Luke 4:1-13, at the beginning of His ministry, Jesus went into the dessert and fasted for forty days. Satan met Him there, to tempt Jesus to give up His God-given mission on earth. Jesus was not deceived.
Jesus describes Satan, in John 8:44, as a murderer and says that when he lies, it is consistent with his character; for he is a liar and the father of lies.
Now he roams the earth looking for unsuspecting souls to consume. 1Peter 5:8 says Your enemy, the devil, prowls around like a roaring lion looking for someone to devour.
Satan's work began in the garden and he works in the world today but he is already defeated and will meet his end when he is thrown into the lake of fire, never to bother us again. Revelation 20:10
However, a look into the Bible reveals that Satan is real and someone believers must be aware of.
Ezekiel 28:14-17 says he was once a beautiful angel; a created being. He was the model of perfection, who became so enamored with himself that he was filled with pride and corruption. God, who does not tolerate sin, cast him out of heaven.
Since that time, he has been living up to his name.
The name Satan is derived from a Hebrew word meaning, "act as a deceiver". He deceives, lies, and tries to lead us astray. His mission is to turn people away from God in order to gain control for himself.
Eve and Adam were deceived by Satan, in the Garden of Eden, and were persuaded to disobey God. Genesis 3:1-6.
As described in Luke 4:1-13, at the beginning of His ministry, Jesus went into the dessert and fasted for forty days. Satan met Him there, to tempt Jesus to give up His God-given mission on earth. Jesus was not deceived.
Jesus describes Satan, in John 8:44, as a murderer and says that when he lies, it is consistent with his character; for he is a liar and the father of lies.
Now he roams the earth looking for unsuspecting souls to consume. 1Peter 5:8 says Your enemy, the devil, prowls around like a roaring lion looking for someone to devour.
- Gossip: It seems insignificant. Unkind words about someone. Hurt and destruction start here.
- Self-indulgence: Satan appeals to our pride, making destructive lifestyles appear glamorous and profitable. Mood enhancing drugs, and alcohol appear to be harmless diversions.
- Lack of self-discipline. When I am distracted from spending time alone with God, when other activities seem more important or more urgent than learning what God has to say to me; Satan?s mission is being accomplished.
- Self-consciousness or poor self-image. Satan is an accuser and will tell us that we aren't smart enough or good enough to serve in the Kingdom. He will cause us to keep quiet when we should speak. We miss an opportunity to tell someone the Good News of Jesus.
- James 4:7&8 - Submit to God. Resist Satan and he will flee. Draw near to God and He will draw near to you.
- Romans 16:20 - God will crush Satan.
- 1 Peter 5: 9 - Standing firm in the faith, resist Satan. Christians throughout the world undergo the same kind of sufferings.
- Satan is defeated. - Matthew 8:16, Matthew 10:1, Mark 16:17-18, John 12:31, Luke 11:20-22
Turn away from him and turn fully toward Jesus Christ.
Satan's work began in the garden and he works in the world today but he is already defeated and will meet his end when he is thrown into the lake of fire, never to bother us again. Revelation 20:10
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