No Kidding!

No Kidding!
The international social club for child free and childless couples and singles!

Many of you have inquired about meeting other childfree couples in your area. Some of you singles are looking for a partner who sees eye to eye on the kid issue. I have tirelessly suggested NO KIDDING! to anyone who asks. I thought it was about time I profiled the group for all of you.

Chapter One was started in 1984 in Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada. Since then, the number of chapters has grown, so that almost every state in the United States has at least one.

According to their website, “NO KIDDING! is an all-volunteer, non-profit social club for adult couples and singles who, for whatever reason, have never had children. It is not a business. NO KIDDING! is not allied with any sect, denomination, political entity, business, organization or institution, does not engage in any controversy, and neither endorses nor opposes any cause. We are a social club -- nothing more, nothing less.”

Anyone who has never been a parent is welcome to join. If you have never had kids, but your spouse/partner does, don’t dismiss this group! The official policy of NO KIDDING! is: “If someone who has never had kids has a partner who has kids (of any age), the non-parent can join NO KIDDING!, while their partner (the one with kids) can come as their guest. The partner with kids cannot come without the member, and must pay a function fee, just like all other guests and non-members. The childburdened partner can attend policy meetings, and will have a voice, but no vote.”

People who have no kids, but haven’t firmly decided not to have them, are welcome as well.

If there isn’t a group in your area, there are probably childfree folks out there waiting for you to start one! You can request an information packet from Chapter One of NO KIDDING! For just $50, your packet will include “a description of NO KIDDING!, our members and activities, suggestions to make starting and running a chapter easier, and a proposed agenda for your first meeting. We'll also include a list of any people near you who have contacted us over the years (along with their contact information, of course), and a mini-poster that members put up in workplaces, community centers, libraries, transit vehicles, apartment buildings, supermarkets, etc.; simply adapt it for your own use. Additionally, we will publicize your chapter's existence, and we'll refer all future inquiries to you.”

For more information, click on the Related Links for No Kidding in the upper right corner of this screen.

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