Highland Outlaw

Highland Outlaw
Hello, and welcome back! It's not as warm here today as it has been the past few days, so the bright yellow crocuses in the front flowerbed are tightly closed up. I didn't really figure spring was here quite yet. Maybe in another week or two. I'm reading my way through the April books already, but I still have two March romances to share with you.

Monica McCarty's Highland Outlaw (Ballantine) is out now. Patrick MacGregor and his clan have been driven from their land, and now live like wild men with no place to call home, and raiding against their enemies. But Patrick isn't the heartless villain some of his kin seem to be, and when on a mission with his brother and clan chief, he comes to the aid of a young woman who turns out to be the daughter of his enemy. Elizabeth Campbell doesn't know who the helpful stranger is, but she does know she won't forget his kindness. Then, two years later, Patrick saves her again, this time from his clan. This unplanned act puts him in a position where he now gets to spend a lot of time with Lizzie, who has not given up hope of finding love after three failed betrothals, but really expects only to marry for her family's convenience. But Patrick is irresistible, though if she knew who he truly was, she'd probably make a little more of an effort to resist him. Patrick isn't thrilled with the lies he must tell to stay with her, but this might be his only chance to win back his family's land. On the other hand, after his emotions get the upper hand, he'd rather have Elizabeth. But he knows he's still a wanted man, which means they can never be together anyway. I liked this one a lot better than her first series. The setting is one of my favorites, and this story is very believable, with real dilemmas facing both characters and emotional entanglements that will capture your heart. This one has earned four of Cupid's five arrows.

Until next time, happy reading!

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