Rabbit Hash Motorcycle Destination

Rabbit Hash Motorcycle Destination
Have you ever heard of Rabbit Hash? Yes, that could be a form of rabbit stew but for this article it is a historical small river town in Northern Kentucky that is a popular motorcycle destination. One of the interesting and charming things about Rabbit Hash is that there are only 5 to 40 residents depending on the unbounded territory you include. Rabbit Hash is unlike any town you have ever visited. Why do I say this? To begin with their Mayor is a little unusual. In fact, the whole political scene in 2008 could be said that it went to the dogs, much like the national political scene. The November, 2008 election for Mayor in Rabbit Hash included ten dogs, one cat, one opossum, one jackass, and one human. One of the dogs won and the entire town says it was a real dog eat dog campaign (couldn’t help myself).

To further show how interesting Rabbit Hash is, the popular national game show Jeopardy had a question about the Mayor of Rabbit Hash which candidate won.

To further ensure Rabbit Hash's place in history, there is a movie about it entitled, "Rabbit Hash, The Center of the Universe". If all of the above doesn’t make you want to go visit Rabbit Hash, then the fact that riders of all types descend on Rabbit Hash should get you motivated. I visited on no particular Sunday and found motorcycles lined up in the same turn in the street they call their main street. The Main street is pretty much their only street in Rabbit Hash.

I counted at least 70 motorcycles parked close together and riders milling about talking to one another. This enjoying a nice rest in a cool spot is an everyday occurrence on the weekends during summer riding season. The town has a general store that is on the historical register that is always open and biker friendly.

Now I know that Rabbit Hash peaks your interest, but while your’e visiting, make sure you see Big Bone Lick State Park right down the road from Rabbit Hash and if you pass Beaver Lick, you have travelled too far. Bring your camera so you can take pictures of all the motorcycles, maybe the Mayor of Rabbit Hash, and especially the Kentucky street and town signs. If not for the pictures, who would believe you. To put the icing on the cake, the best of all is Possum Path and it is all very close to Rabbit Hash.

Have fun riding.


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