The Last Israelis

The Last Israelis
Many books have been written on End Times prophecy. For those unfamiliar with the term, it refers to the events that Christians believe will occur at the end of the world as we know it. In a nutshell, it is the time when the church believes Jesus will come back and cast Satan and his followers into eternal damnation. Central to these events is of God's chosen people. Revelation is clear that God's protection will be upon the land and upon the Israelites. While many will die, a supernatural covering will be upon the land and will cause the enemies' missiles to fail to detonate. Enemy troops will die in the wilderness. Israelis will recognize Jesus is the Messiah and will enter the Millennial Period. Israel is united and restored...God wins. For the whole story, you will have to read the Book of Revelations.

Noah Beck's break out novel, The Last Israelis presents a secular view of what could happen if a nuclear-armed Iran attacks Israel. The submarine crew of the Dolphin is called back from their exercises and upcoming leave for a special mission. After enjoying a special dinner with their families, the crew of 34 sets sail on an unknown mission. Once they are out to sea, they finally learn of their orders. What follows are gripping conversations and debates as the crew learns that Israel has been destroyed, and they are the last Israelis. Should they retaliate against Iran, or is there no longer a moral and ethical basis since they no longer have a country.

The Last Israelis is a gripping novel of suspense set against a very real political and military background. Despite being presented from a secular view, I thoroughly enjoyed it and could not put it down. Be sure to read the epilogue. You will love the twist at the end.

This book is available for purchase from online retailers such as

FTC Disclosure: The Last Israelis was purchased as a kindle e-book by the reviewer. The views expressed within are those of the reviewer and were not influenced by the author, Noah Beck, of the publishing company.

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