The Necessity of Backups

The Necessity of Backups

We are well into another new year. Like the beginning of every new year, people tend to use it as a catalyst for setting goals and making changes. The beginning of another year is also the perfect time to make needed updates to what may be the most precious piece of technology you own. Your desktop computer or laptop probably holds cherished photos, favorite music, useful information, and important financial documents. As you read this article, take a moment to answer this question:

If you lost all of the information on your hard drive today, how would you react?

  • I would be at a complete loss! Everything is on my computer and I have no backup!

  • I would be upset, but okay. I do have some things saved elsewhere.

  • I would be totally fine with it. My information is backed up and current.

If you answered anything but the third option, then please prepare to make an important update to your computer.

Every computer has memory. What varies is the amount and type of memory, but every computer has the ability to store information. As a computer user, it is your responsibility to protect that information by backing it up. It isn't enough just to back it up, however. What is also of the utmost importance is to back up your data regularly. Without regular backups, some of your information could still be lost, 

"Regular" does not necessarily mean daily or even weekly. The frequency of your back up routine should depend on how often you make significant changes to your computer. Below is a suggested back up schedule. I say "suggested" because you should tweak the schedule to meet your computer's needs.

Computer Backup Schedule

Work From Home, At Home Banking, Blogger, Writer, Photographer, etc. 

Daily - Weekly       

Daily casual computer use, frequent business computer use

Bi-weekly - Weekly

Casual computer use, casual gaming, infrequent business use

Weekly - Semi-monthly

All other use, rarely online


You can also base your backups on how you feel. Are you comfortable with answering the question above with the third option? If your computer died tomorrow, would you still have access to all of your photos, music, financial records and other data? If you can't answer "yes" then you need to backup immediately!

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