Pokemon Introduced in the Johto Region

Chikorita: A grass Pokemon that evolves into Bayleef; this is a "starter Pokemon" for the Johto region
Bayleef: A grass Pokemon that evolves from Chikorita and can evolve into Meganium
Meganium: A grass Pokemon that evolves from Bayleef
Cyndaquil: A fire Pokemon that evolves into Quilava; this is a "starter Pokemon" for the Johto region
Quilava: A fire Pokemon that evolves from Cyndaquil and can evolve into Typhlosion
Typhlosion: A fire Pokemon that evolves from Quilava
Totodile: A water Pokemon that evolves into Croconaw; this is a "starter Pokemon" for the Johto region
Croconaw: A water Pokemon that evolves from Totodile and can evolve into Feraligatr
Feraligatr: A water Pokemon that evolves from Croconaw
Sentret: A normal Pokemon that evolves into Furret
Furret: A normal Pokemon that evolves from Sentret
Hoothoot: A normal / flying Pokemon that evolves into Noctowl
Noctowl: A normal / flying Pokemon that evolves from Hoothoot
Ledyba: A bug / flying Pokemon that evolves into Ledian
Ledian: A bug / flying Pokemon that evolves from Ledyba
Spinarak: A bug / poison Pokemon that evolves into Ariados
Ariados: A bug / poison Pokemon that evolves from Spinarak
Crobat: A poison / flying Pokemon that evolves from Golbat
Chinchou: A water / electric Pokemon that evolves into Lanturn
Lanturn: A water / electric Pokemon that evolves from Chinchou
Pichu: An electric Pokemon that evolves into Pikachu
Cleffa: A normal Pokemon that evolves into Clefairy
Igglybuff: A normal Pokemon that evolves into Jigglypuff
Togepi: A normal Pokemon that evolves into Togetic
Togetic: A normal / flying Pokemon that evolves from Togepi and can evolve into Togekiss
Natu: A psychic / flying Pokemon that evolves into Xatu
Xatu: A psychic / flying Pokemon that evolves from Natu
Mareep: An electric Pokemon that evolves into Flaaffy
Flaaffy: An electric Pokemon that evolves from Mareep and can evolve into Ampharos
Ampharos: An electric Pokemon that evolves from Flaaffy
Bellossom: A grass Pokemon that evolves from Gloom
Marill: A water Pokemon that evolves from Azurill and can evolve into Azumarill
Azumarill: A water Pokemon that evolves from Marill
Sudowoodo: A rock Pokemon that evolves from Bonsly
Politoed: A water Pokemon that evolves from Poliwhirl
Hoppip: A grass / flying Pokemon that evolves into Skiploom
Skiploom: A grass / flying Pokemon that evolves from Hoppip and can evolve into Jumpluff
Jumpluff: A grass / flying Pokemon that evolves from Skiploom
Aipom: A normal Pokemon that evolves into Ambipom
Sunkern: A grass Pokemon that evolves into Sunflora
Sunflora: A grass Pokemon that evolves from Sunkern
Yanma: A bug / flying Pokemon that evolves into Yanmega
Wooper: A water / ground Pokemon that evolves into Quagsire
Quagsire: A water / ground Pokemon that evolves from Wooper
Espeon: A psychic Pokemon that evolves from Eevee
Umbreon: A dark Pokemon that evolves from Eevee
Murkrow: A dark / flying Pokemon that evolves into Honchkrow
Slowking: A water / psychic Pokemon that evolves from Slowpoke
Misdreavus: A ghost Pokemon that evolves into Mismagius
Unown: A psychic Pokemon that does not evolve
Wobbuffet: A psychic Pokemon that evolves from Wynaut
Girafarig: A normal / psychic Pokemon that does not evolve
Pineco: A bug Pokemon that evolves into Forretress
Forretress: A bug / steel Pokemon that evolves from Pineco
Dunsparce: A normal Pokemon that does not evolve
Gligar: A ground / flying Pokemon that evolves into Gliscor
Steelix: A steel / ground Pokemon that evolves from Onix
Snubbull: A normal Pokemon that evolves into Granbull
Granbull: A normal Pokemon that evolves from Snubbull
Qwilfish: A water / poison Pokemon that does not evolve
Scizor: A bug / steel Pokemon that evolves from Scyther
Shuckle: A bug / rock Pokemon that does not evolve
Heracross: A bug / fighting Pokemon that does not evolve
Sneasel: A dark / ice Pokemon that evolves into Weavile
Teddiursa: A normal Pokemon that evolves into Ursaring
Ursaring: A normal Pokemon that evolves from Teddiursa
Slugma: A fire Pokemon that evolves into Magcargo
Magcargo: A fire / rock Pokemon that evolves from Slugma
Swinub: An ice / ground Pokemon that evolves into Piloswine
Piloswine: An ice / ground Pokemon that evolves from Swinub and can evolve into Mamoswine
Corsola: A water / rock Pokemon that does not evolve
Remoraid: A water Pokemon that evolves into Octillery
Octillery: A water Pokemon that evolves from Remoraid
Delibird: An ice / flying Pokemon that does not evolve
Mantine: A water / flying Pokemon that evolves from Mantyke
Skarmory: A steel / flying Pokemon that does not evolve
Houndour: A dark / fire Pokemon that evolves into Houndoom
Houndoom: A dark / fire Pokemon that evolves from Houndour
Kingdra: A water / dragon Pokemon that evolves from Seadra
Phanpy: A ground Pokemon that evolves into Donphan
Donphan: A ground Pokemon that evolves from Phanpy
Porygon2: A normal Pokemon that evolves from Porygon and can evolve into Porygon-Z
Stantler: A normal Pokemon that does not evolve
Smeargle: A normal Pokemon that does not evolve
Tyrogue: A fighting Pokemon that evolves into Hitmonlee, Hitmonchan, or Hitmontop
Hitmontop: A fighting Pokemon that evolves from Tyrogue
Smoochum: An ice / psychic Pokemon that evolves into Jynx
Elekid: An electric Pokemon that evolves into Electabuzz
Magby: A fire Pokemon that evolves into Magmar
Miltank: A normal Pokemon that does not evolve
Blissey: A normal Pokemon that evolves from Chansey
Raikou: An electric Pokemon that does not evolve; this is a "Legendary Pokemon"
Entei: A fire Pokemon that does not evolve; this is a "Legendary Pokemon"
Suicune: A water Pokemon that does not evolve; this is a "Legendary Pokemon"
Larvitar: A rock / ground Pokemon that evolves into Pupitar
Pupitar: A rock / ground Pokemon that evolves from Larvitar and can evolve into Tyranitar
Tyranitar: A rock / dark Pokemon that evolves from Pupitar
Lugia: A psychic / flying Pokemon that does not evolve; this is a "Legendary Pokemon"
Ho-Oh: A fire / flying Pokemon that does not evolve; this is a "Legendary Pokemon"
Celebi: A psychic / grass Pokemon that does not evolve; this is a "Legendary Pokemon"
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