The Benefits of an eBay Storefront

The Benefits of an eBay Storefront
An eBay storefront gives you the opportunity to cross sell your items. By categorizing your items you can encourage potential buyers to click on similar products. For example people looking for dog beds may also be interested in dog cushions and dog toys and with a storefront you can display links to these items on the same page.

You also have links to your other items in the normal auction format but potential buyers usually have to search to find the similar items especially if you sell lots of different things and they may prefer to return to the main eBay search page instead. This means your customers click away from your items and you may lose a sale. By arranging your storefront so that customers can easily find what they are looking for, you increase your chances of making extra sales.

With a storefront you can also cross promote by offering discounts on similar product purchases or offer vouchers or other incentives to buy extra items. This encourages customers to stay on your site instead of clicking away to other sellers’ items and is an excellent way to boost sales.

A storefront allows you to display all of your stock in the same place so that satisfied customers can return and buy different products from you. As they have already bought from you they know the service you provide and feel safe buying from you again. The storefront makes it easier for them to find you on the eBay site especially if you have a catchy or easy to remember name for your shop.

A well stocked shop looks professional and customers will feel that as you have gone to the trouble to set up a storefront you are obviously a serious seller and this will increase their confidence in buying from you. Listing items can be very time consuming and as auctions end, if you are selling the same products they will all have to be relisted. With a storefront you can simply list the items and they are there until you decide to remove them.

The number and type of items you choose to display are up to you. You can display a few items or thousands. There are three types of storefronts to choose from depending on how many different items you want to sell.

The basic storefront is great for the start up seller. Costs are relatively low and the process is fully explained along the way. The next storefront up the ladder is for people who have some experience and are already making money from online auctions. The third and final storefront is the premium edition and as this is the most expensive it is designed for experienced sellers who want to earn their living from this.

If you are interested in opening a storefront go to the eBay help pages for full details including costs. There is a wealth of information here and before you take the plunge make sure you read through it fully so that you can get the most from your storefront.

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