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BellaOnline's Christian Literature Editor

Book Review--Illusion

For those who like Stephen King and Dean Koontz but are looking for books of the same genre with a Christian theme, Frank Peretti proves to be more than a suitable match. Absent from the literary scene for the past seven years. Peretti released a new novel this past April. Illusion is an intriguing novel that deals with romance and manipulating the time space continuum.

Illusion is centered around the lives of Dane and Mandy, famed magicians who are on their way to purchase a house for their retirement. En route, they are in an accident. Badly burned, Dane thinks Mandy dies; however, her death is faked by a group of scientists and she is whisked away to become the latest subject in their time space continuum experiment. Totally crushed after losing the love of his life, Dane completes the real estate deal and moves into their dream home by himself.

Concurrently, Mandy who now goes by the name of Eloise Kramer wakes up in a psychiatric hospital only to escape and find herself in the same small town as Dane. She gradually discovers she can manipulate objects; although, she does not understand how she does it. Eloise meets Dane who is struck by her resemblance to his deceased wife, Mandy. Eventually, he agrees to mentor her and to help develop her magic act. Bit by bit, Dane begins to believe that Eloise is somehow Mandy and thinks he is going crazy. As the story unfolds, Dane finally realizes Eloise is Mandy and begins to investigate. Discovering the experiment, he convinces Eloise that she truly is Mandy and comes up with a plan to reverse the tangled threads of the time space continuum in order to bring her back to the age she was at the time of the accident.

Peretti acknowledges the inspiration for the timeless love affair that is shared by Dane and Mandy was based on the timeless love that he shares with his own wife. Illusion was definitely a strange story, but was always engaging. At just over 500 pages, it provided well developed characters, suspense, and an engaging story.

Illusion is available from online retailers such as www.amazon.com.

Disclaimer: This book was provided by an representative of the author in exchangefor a fair review. Compensationwas not offered and the views expressed herein are those of thereviewer.

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