Ideal to start a meal, the Stracciatella alla Romana soup is simple, super fast to prepare (about 10 minutes from start to end) and very nutritious, therefore, also indicated for someone a little “under the weather” or convalescent. The original recipe calls for beef stock, but in case of illness, I rather recommend a good, homemade, vegetable stock, more digestible and still very flavorful.
Ingredients and Instructions (serves 4):
- 1 quart/1 liter of good beef, chicken or vegetable stock
- 3 medium eggs
- 4 tablespoons of grated Parmigiano cheese
- 1 tablespoon of fresh chopped Italian parsley
- salt
- In a mixing bowl, beat the eggs with a pinch of salt and, while beating, add the grated Parmigiano cheese, the chopped parsley and, little by little, 1 ladle of cold stock.
- In a pot, bring the remaining stock to a boil over high heat; pour the egg and cheese mix in it and mix with a whisker, until the stock goes back to boil.
- Cook for a couple of minutes, transfer to a tureen or divide into 4 individual bowls and serve at once, along with croutons, crackers or sliced bread.
Note: some recipes include also a couple of tablespoons of semolina added to the eggs and cheese mix, but the original recipe gives a lighter soup with a more refined taste.
Buon appetito!
Wine pairing note: to anyone who would like to enjoy a glass of wine with the Stracciatella soup, I recommend a light and crisp white wine, ideally, a Frascati DOC, from the Roman coutryside.
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